White Sand Hill 1/2 days

150.000đ 290.000đ -48%

On an area of nearly 50 ha, Mui Ne Sand Dunes focus quite colorful and after each round of strong winds, or a day in the hills have different shapes. Wonder has just shortlisted Vietnam record in Binh Thuan Province. Scientists have proved, two mechanisms northeast monsoon and Southwest have affected hill and cause geographical shifts. Mui Ne is the Center Vietnam record books recognized as sandhill Vietkings change most natural shape in Vietnam.

In Stock

Departure:  01:30 PM, Daily -> End: 06:30 PM
                   4:00 AM,   Daily  -> End: 9:00 AM
Attractions: White Sand Dunes, golden sand dunes, fishing villages, Ferry Stream .
Type Cost Group size Booking
Private  30 USD/car       1- 4 person                      Book Now              
Private 40 USD/car 4- 8 person Book Now
Group  7 USD/person 9 person up Book Now


- Car, Petro
- Entrance fee.
mui ne tour

mui ne tour

mui ne tour


Liên hệ đặt tour:

0937.80.90.95  - 0989.661.264(Zalo)

E-mail: muinesportshotel@gmail.com


CALL NOW :(+84)903515139 OR (+84)989661264


CONTACT: 246/5 Nguyen Dinh Chieu St., Ham Tien Ward,  Phan Thiet City, Binh Thuan Province
E - mailmuinesportshotel@gmail.com


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